Tuesday, March 6, 2012


These colors are cold colors.There are alot of different violets and blues which represent beauty, inspiration and trustworthiness. This image promotes a very calm feeling and is appealing to the eye. It portrays a welcoming beauty that makes the audience want this drink in order to relax, it even says "live on the Coca-Cola side of life."
This picture captures a starbucks sign in the sky. Its colors are blue, white and green cold colors. Blue and green represent harmony, contentment, honesty and trustworthiness. It promotes a calm feeling although the blue in the upper left corner becomes gradually brighter and could represent a warmer attractive tone.
These colors are warm colors of variations of white reds, greens, yellows, oranges, and a dark blue to offset it all. These colors are vibrant and attractive, probably used to excite the audience. The colors in this advertisement represent energy, excitement, optimistic, playful, confident, creative, adventurous, with a tiny pinch of harmony, contentment and trustworthiness.

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